Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First Post Ever

Dear Madigan,

What an adventure this has been. I wish I'd been chronicling your life since the beginning, as there have been so many anecdotes that would thoroughly detail who you are! At 4.5, you are full of tenacity although I'm not sure if that's a product of your age or your personality. You have a difficult time taking no for an answer, but rally quickly when things go your way. You enjoy going to preschool (Pooh's Corner) especially because your buddy Sam is there. And for a short time, you had a girlfriend although you didn't even know her name! You did say she was like me, which we later found out meant she had earrings. We met her at Open House and learned her name was Emily. She has flaming red hair and the personality to match! Happily, she is now simply your friend, as we agreed kissing is for family only. (Imagine the conversation: Madigan: Emily kissed me today. Me: What?! What do you mean? Where did she kiss you? Madigan: On the cheek. And sometimes on the head. Me: You mean this has happened before? Madigan: Yeah, she kisses me every day.) I really thought I had much more time before I had to worry about girls. Thankfully, it appears I do, but I admit to freaking out and calling Sarah (Daniel's mother) to see if she'd seen anything transpire between the two of you. She had not. Whew. And we've come to learn Emily's much more of a mother hen than siren. Double whew. Now you simply get hugs from her...when you're not hanging out with the boys (including Jayden).

I am looking forward to hearing what your teachers have to say at the upcoming conferences, as I wonder what you're like when out of our clutches! The first time you went to Pooh's was for a pre-open house for newcomers. Mrs. VanDeWater spoke to you when you were playing on the jungle gym. A few minutes later she was speaking with you but called you something other than your name. I asked her what she called you and she said, "Buzz. Isn't that his name- that's what he told me!" At the time, you were in your Toy Story phase. It was pretty funny- especially since you were pretty shy and timid, and you didn't speak much at all to anyone else! How times have changed! Now you're a Kanga with Mrs. Infante (Mrs. Tuttle has the Owls and Mrs. Knight has the Pooh Bears) and have many jobs including passing out napkins and holding the flag for the pledge of allegiance. You really enjoy when you get to bring the show and tell bag home. So far you've had it three times. The first time you brought in your circus sword and some pictures, as we'd just been to Barnum & Bailey's at the Glens Falls Civic Center. The sword lights up and has a spinner inside. The second time you brought your skateboard that we won first time out at a water shooting game at the Washington County Fair. The third time, you brought your batman hovercraft. Not only do you get to show your friends your toys, you also get to sit on Mrs. Infante's lap, which seems to be another highlight!

I can only imagine what the second half of the year will bring...


  1. You started a blog! How great. You will have so much fun keeping up with it - I am sure!

  2. Yes- thanks for the inspiration! I enjoy reading yours, and thought maybe I could do something that Madigan could look back on later. So - thank you!

